Sunday 20 December 2020

Paper #Mulandoll - ornaments doll | How to make paper #Mulan ornaments doll?

 Hello Guys, today I made Paper #Mulandoll - ornaments doll.

Hope you like - #Disney princess paper doll making

#Mulan Paper doll dress up | Chinese paper doll | Chinese Mulan princess, Paper Mulan doll craft up #Belledoll #Belle ornaments doll - Belle paper doll Mulan paper doll

Monday 19 October 2020


 Hello there, I am starting a question blog. You can write the questions in the comment box. And I will answer your questions. I will also make a video on the topics for understanding. 


Thursday 24 September 2020

invention of x-ray

  Wilhelm Röntgen was born to Friedrich Conrad .Röntgen, a German merchant and cloth manufacturer, and Charlotte Constanze Frowein. .Röntgen's discovery occurred accidentally in his Wurzburg, Germany, lab, where he was testing whether cathode rays could pass through glass when he noticed a glow coming from a nearby chemically coated screen. He dubbed the rays that caused this glow X-rays because of their unknown nature. It was discovered accidentally On November 8, 1895, Roentgen noticed that when he shielded the tube with heavy black cardboard, the green fluorescent light caused a platinobarium screen nine feet at away to glow - too far away to be reacting to the cathode rays as he understood them. He determined the fluorescence was caused by invisible rays originating from the Crookes tube he was using to study cathode rays (later recognized as electrons), which penetrated the opaque black paper wrapped around the tube. Further experiments revealed that this new type of ray was capable of passing through most substances, including the soft tissues of the body, but left bones and metals visible. One of the earliest photographic plates from his experiments was a film of his wife Bertha's hand, with her wedding ring clearly visible.

Invention of Television

 Philo Taylor Farnsworth was an American farm boy. He was born on August 19, 1906, in Beaver, Utah. He was the eldest of five children. In 1918, the family moved to a relative's ranch near Rigby, Idaho where his father Boosted his farming income by hauling freight with his horse-drawn wagon. He was a quick student in mechanical and electrical technology. He was an excellent scientist and an inventor at a young age only. He converted his home appliances into electric power during high school. Farnsworth was excelled in chemistry and physics. When he was only 14 years old reamed up his own idea for electronic-rather than mechanical-television while driving a horse-drawn harrow at the family's new farm in Idaho. As he plowed a potato field in straight, parallel lines, he saw television in the furrows. He got the IEEE Morris N. Liebmann Memorial Award

Sunday 3 May 2020

my first video in the youtube

My first video on youtube

My first video experience. I have done many mistakes but finally, I do this. It takes much time to learn my script and video making. But my fruit of hard work turned into sweets. Now my views are 3,057 and my subscribers are 72. Please like and subscribe to my video.

Saturday 2 May 2020

new species found in 2019


Here are some species below but the names are not be decided.


Fish with very large eyes with large black vertical pupil.


Squashy-looking oval creature covered with red-tipped points.


Flat, diamond-shaped gray fish with 3 streamer-like tail features at one end.


Brownish-red lizard with scales arranged in rings around its body and tail.


Vertical flower stem with tiny lavender flowers.


Closeup of flat, translucent orange spider.


Leafy stem of plant with elongated white flower buds.

dinosaurs news


Chicxulub impact

It's better for your long term survival to have a giant asteroid hit in the middle of the ocean instead of just off the coast of Mexico. If that meteor had come just half a minute later, it would have hit somewhere in either the Atlantic or Pacific. Either location would have made some killer waves (literally), but at least it wouldn't have killed as many dinos


Friday 1 May 2020

dinosaurs news


Dinosaurs in Scotland

The dinosaur ruled over 180 million years. After all that they have left some things behind them, they are fossils and footprints. One more new fossil found of a sauropod. The footprints can be preserved for an extraordinary time. The footprint was found in isle of the Skye, Scotland largest, island, the footprint was 170 million years ago it was 50 feet long and weighing 10 tons.   Skye Footprints

The fact was that the footprints were found in lagoon shape which means the dinosaurs were not purely land dwellers.

Monday 27 April 2020

Coronavirus essay


Coronavirus a pandemic disease. It is now spread all over the world. Leave people, now animals are also becoming a victim of it. The virus was started on 17 November 2019 from the city of Wuhan. COVID 19 separate mainly by droplets produced as a  result of coughing or sneezing of a COVID 19 infected person. Some coronavirus symptoms are fever, tiredness,  dry cough. Some people may also get aches and pain, nasal congestion, runny nose, sore throat, diarrhea On average it takes 5 - 6 days from when someone is infected with the virus for symptoms to show, however, it can take up to 14 days.

Whatever the virus is but it also has some advantages. The full world is locked but the animals are freely moving here and there. The environment is cleaning, the pollution is decreasing, the color of the water is clearly visible. This means that our mother earth is healing. The full world is balancing.

Apart from its advantages, it has also many disadvantages. People are losing their life due to coronavirus. Children are seeing tv, mobile, and not paying attention to their studies. Children are not being vaccinated due to the lockdown. People are losing their money Because people are unable to do work due to lockdown.

we do not know what will hap[pen next but we will take care of the instruction given by the government. And we will get out of this disease soon.

Novel Coronavirus Information Center

5 places you must see when you visit Ladakh


Ladakh is a region administered by India as a union territory, and constituting a part of the larger region of Kashmir, which has been the subject of dispute between India, Pakistan, and China since 1947. 



Magnetic Hill (India) - WikipediaMagnet Hill is a "Cyclops hill" located near Leh in Ladakh, India. The layout of the area and surrounding slopes create the optical illusion of a hill. The hill road is actually a downhill road. Objects and cars on the hill road may appear to roll uphill in defiance of gravity when they are, in fact, rolling downhill.


Kargil - WikipediaKargil is a town in Kargil district and the joint capital of the Indian administered union territory of Ladakh. Kargil is the second largest town in Ladakh after Leh.


Hemis National Park: Your Complete Guide To Exploring The WildlifeHemis National Park is a high altitude national park in the eastern Ladakh Union Territory of the Republic of India. Globally famous for its snow leopards, it is believed to have the highest density of them in any protected area in the world.


Ju-Leh Adventure - Nubra valley - cultural tourNubra is a subdivision and a tehsil in the Indian union territory of Ladakh. Its inhabited areas form a tri-armed valley cut by the Nubra and Shyok rivers. Its Tibetan name Ldumra means "the valley of flowers". Diskit, the headquarters of Nubra, is about 150 km north from Leh, the capital of Ladakh.


Pangong Tso Lake - A Blue Water Lake in Leh LadakhPangong Tso or Pangong Lake is an endorheic lake in the Himalayas situated at a height of about 4,350 m. It is 134 km long and extends from India to the Tibetan Autonomous Region, China. Approximately 60% of the length of the lake lies within the Tibetan Autonomous Region. The lake is 5 km wide at its broadest point.

Friday 24 April 2020

6 places to see in Jammu and Kashmir


Jammu and Kashmir was a region formerly administered by India as a state from 1954 to 2019, constituting the southern and southeastern portion of the larger Kashmir region, which has been the subject of a dispute between India, Pakistan and China since the mid-20th century.



Lying on the banks of River Jhelum with deep and mesmerizing valleys cascaded in sky-scraping mountains and evergreen beauty, Srinagar symbolizes nature, beauty, harmony
Best Time: April to October


Located in Trikuta hills 13 km from Katra at a height of 1560 m above sea level with shimmering clouds and thinning air, this town is the holy cave temple of Mata Vaishnodevi.
Best Time: Throughout the year


Situated at an altitude of 2730 m above sea level, Gulmarg is surrounded by snow-covered mountains, lush green meadows, deep ravines, evergreen forested hills, and valleys.
Best Time: October to June

Amarnath cave

The Amarnath cave is a haven to an enshrined image of ice called the Shivaling formed naturally, which resembles Lord Shiva, and hence this is one of the most important pilgrimages in India.

Best Time: May to September


With endless meadows lined with towering pine trees and panoramic views of the snow-capped peaks of the Himalayas, Patnitop is a perfect place to experience nature at its best.
Best Time: Throughout the year


With untouched and gorgeous natural beauty, Pahalgam is a feast to the eyes and senses. Submerged in lush greenery and alluring Himalayan ranges, it calls for some moments of requiescence at nature's own home.

Best Time: Throughout the year

Affect of lockdown on nature


As you know due to COVID - 19 known as { coronavirus } all the world is locked. Coronaviruses are a group of related viruses that cause diseases in mammals and birdsIn humans, coronaviruses cause respiratory tract infections that can range from mild to lethal. Mild illnesses include some cases of the common cold. There are some advantages of coronavirus like many animals are roaming on the roads without any fear like peacock, deer, cheetah and many more. There are also disadvantages of COVID 19 like many people are dying and people money is running out.


Tuesday 7 April 2020


ST.Nicholas was a bishop who lived in the fourth century in a place called Myra in Asia Minor [now called turkey]. He was very rich. He was also very kind man and a reputation for helping  the poor and giving secret gifts to those who needed it .There are several legends about St. Nicholas although we don't know if any of them are true .

The most famous story about St. Nicholas tells how the custom of stockings to put present in first started !It goes like this :

There was a poor man . He was so poor that he did not have enough money to get his children married. One night Nicholas secretly dropped a bag of gold down to the chimney and into the house . The bag fell into the stockings that had been hung by the fire to dry . This repeated later also by Nicholas. Finally , determined to discover the person who had given him money . the old man secretly hid by the fire eye